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The Nobel Foundation should reject all cajoling or threats from US lawmakers demanding a Peace Prize for Donald Trump.

The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Swedish industrialist, inventor, and armaments manufacturer Alfred Nobel. The Nobel Peace Prize Board holds a sacred responsibility to maintain the integrity and impartiality of its decisions. The prize is awarded to individuals or organizations that have significantly contributed to the advancement of peace, often through tireless dedication and achievements that resonate globally. Any attempt by external actors, including U.S. lawmakers, to cajole or threaten the Board into awarding the prize to Donald Trump—or any other candidate—undermines this impartiality. Such interference risks politicizing the award, turning it into a tool of national or partisan propaganda rather than a recognition of genuine contributions to peace.

Awarding the prize should be based strictly on the merit of achievements aligned with the Nobel Committee’s criteria. While Trump may have brokered diplomatic agreements, such as the Abraham Accords, these initiatives must be weighed against broader actions and their long-term impact on global peace. Critics argue that his policies, including withdrawal from international agreements like the Iran nuclear deal and escalatory rhetoric on global platforms, have had destabilizing effects in other regions. By succumbing to external pressures, the Board would erode its credibility and fail to uphold its commitment to rewarding enduring contributions to peace.

The Nobel Peace Prize carries profound symbolic weight, serving as a global beacon of hope and justice. If its awarding process were perceived as influenced by political threats or coercion, it would diminish the prestige of both the prize and its past recipients. Historical laureates such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malala Yousafzai earned the honor through their unwavering commitment to peace and humanity. Placing political figures into this pantheon under duress or without clear justification undermines the standard they set and creates a precedent that could invite further political manipulation.

Furthermore, granting the prize under external pressure could tarnish the Board’s reputation as an independent body. The Nobel Committee is respected worldwide precisely because it resists political interference, reflecting universal values over partisan interests. By rejecting U.S. lawmakers’ cajoling or threats, the Board would reaffirm its commitment to autonomy and remind the world that peace is a nonpartisan pursuit. This would preserve the integrity of the award for future generations.

Ultimately, the Nobel Peace Prize should inspire and uplift humanity by celebrating those whose actions transcend self-interest and politics. While leaders may have moments of notable diplomacy, these must be considered within a broader context. It is crucial that the Nobel Committee makes its decisions free from coercion, ensuring the prize remains a testament to genuine peacemaking efforts. Resisting external pressure from any quarter, including U.S. lawmakers advocating for Donald Trump, is essential to safeguarding the purpose and dignity of this prestigious award.

#NobelPrize #NobelCommittee

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